Tom’s July Update

I’ve been feeling anxious. It’s not clinical anxiety or anxiety attacks (and I really feel for people who struggle with those), but the nonspecific sort of fear and dread that come on, with seemingly no trigger, in the middle of lunch or while taking a shower.

I’ve had these bouts several times in my life, almost always during periods of high stress. And my life right now is definitely stressful. Combining my responsibilities as CEO of a modestly sized technology company with my responsibilities as a new father hasn’t just doubled my stress, it’s increased it tenfold. So, as the stress turned to anxiety, I finally decided to do something about it.

The Missing Ingredient

Two weeks ago, I told my wife that I needed to carve out time to exercise again. It was the one habit that had fallen by the wayside after my daughter was born that I hadn’t made any progress on reestablishing. So, for the past fourteen days, I’ve taken an hour-long walk each morning before work. These are not “power walks.” They probably don’t even count as zone 2 exercise. But I cannot begin to tell you the difference they’ve made.

Exercise Isn’t a Dirty Word

We’re so often inundated with messages telling us we’re not moving our bodies “correctly.” If you’re not doing a 90-minute spin class every day, followed by HIIT, followed by leg day (which must precede back day), are you even exercising?

I’m just as guilty of this sort of thinking. But, I’m learning — slowly, through experience and exposure — that exercise doesn’t have to feel like work or punishment to be effective. The best kind of exercise is something you actually enjoy doing because that means you’ll keep doing it. And when it comes to lasting health and weight management, consistency is everything.

Do What You Love

This summer, I encourage you to find or recommit to a form of movement you genuinely enjoy. Maybe it’s pickup basketball. Maybe it’s a yoga class. Maybe it’s a 20-minute walk around the block with your dog after dinner. And if you try something that you don’t like? Don’t do it! There are a hundred different ways to move, which means a hundred different ways to stay healthy. 

This is a sentiment we’re striving to bring to the forefront of the Zero experience: that what you enjoy can also be what keeps you healthy. So if you have ideas, please send them our way! I might not read your response until after July 4th, but I can promise it will help inform our thinking as we develop the app to better serve your needs.

Tom Conrad
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