Q&A with Dr. P: Weight Management Tips & Tricks

Lunchtime Hunger, Chronic Stress, Electrolyte Needs, & Parental Challenges When Fasting Feeling ravenous by lunchtime? Worried about chronic stress? Wondering whether you need an electrolyte supplement? Struggling to maintain your fasting practice while parenting? Concerns like these come up regularly in my clinic and during Zero Live sessions. These challenges can interfere with health goals,…

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Meet Dr. Parrella, Zero’s Chief Medical Officer

As interviewed by Rich LaFountain, PhD We are thrilled to introduce Dr. Naomi Parrella as Zero’s Chief Medical Officer! Dr. Parrella is a renowned physician who has spent decades treating patients and educating both medical students and the broader public about obesity and metabolic health. Dr. Parrella spent her formative years in Japan before coming…

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This TikTok Sensation Lost 26 Pounds in 3 Months with Zero

Max Freidin, best known by his social media handle @DeepDarkDreams, is a self-proclaimed grandpa on TikTok. He has 1.8 million followers, many of whom recently followed along as he embarked on a 3-month health transformation with Zero. In the following conversation, he shares his journey to losing 26 pounds in 3 months, why he chose…

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Fasting Zones: What’s the Difference Between Anabolic and Catabolic?

Asked by: Michele F. You can think of metabolism as a series of reactions for building up (anabolism) and breaking down (catabolism) separating the fed- from the fasted-state.  When we eat, nutrients are high, the body activates its “fed” signals and we are in the Anabolic Zone. In contrast, when we stop eating, nutrients are…

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Can You Do a 16:8 Fast Every Day?

Yes, you can! Daily 16:8 time-restricted feeding (TRF) is safe to practice as long as you are acquiring the energy and nutrition that you need within your eating window; 8-hours is typically more than enough time to consume your daily energy/nutrition requirements. Exceptions apply to those who require longer eating windows in order to comfortably…

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Does Exercise Amplify the Benefits of Fasting?

How does exercise impact the progression of a fast? Asked By: Elliot K. The more you exercise, the more fuel you burn, and different types of exercise prioritize different fuels. So the volume and intensity of your training will definitely impact the speed at which you move through your Fasting Zones.  The progression of fast…

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How to Manage Side Effects of Fasting

Do side effects of fasting (headache, moodiness, etc) become more manageable over time? Asked By: Cheyenne L. Yes! In the beginning stages, fasting can certainly present challenges. The most common side effects of fasting are often the result of electrolyte deficiencies and can be easily remedied and prevented by staying hydrated and adding in a…

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When Should I Start my Fasting Timer?

When should I start the fast timer? I want to press ‘go’ straight after eating. But it feels like a bit of a cheat to start the fast timer on a full stomach! Asked by: Lindsay G This is a great question, and the answer is yes! Your fast starts as soon as you swallow…

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