I Want to Try Intermittent Fasting. Where Do I Start?

I’m new to fasting. I want to start tomorrow. How do I do that? Asked by: Mara R. First, a warm welcome to Mara! We are so excited for you to kick off your fasting journey with us.  Fasting is a practice that can improve with time, and it’s a good idea to start slow….

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Ask Zero with Dr. Peter Attia

Our first episode of Ask Zero is now live! This month, Dr. Peter Attia addresses top fasting questions from Zero Plus members like: types of fasts that are most likely to promote autophagy, the best times to exercise during a fast, and the science that shaped Fasting Zones in the app. Watch a preview where…

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Fasting and COVID-19 AMA

A note from our CEO Knowledge is power—especially in times of uncertainty. And while updates are constantly emerging related to COVID-19, I want to share everything our team has learned so far with you. Which is why I’m sitting down with our Dr. Peter Attia, to answer questions related to your fasting practice and COVID-19. …

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Fitness and Fasting Q+A

When we think about building healthy habits, it’s normal for one of your first thoughts to be about hitting the gym. But as you’re building a fasting practice, is it safe and/or possible to keep working out? The short answer is likely yes. However, you shared lots of other questions with us on this topic,…

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A weekly digest with the latest science and motivation.