Does Coffee Break Your Fast?

As intermittent fasting gains popularity, one question arises over and over: Can coffee be consumed while fasting? In short, yes, you can drink black coffee while fasting — and in fact, it might even enhance the fat-burning and appetite-suppression benefits of fasting! However, it’s important to understand how additives like sugar, milk, or creamer can…

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Which Sweeteners Break Your Fast?

Do Sweeteners Break a Fast? The impact a sweetener has on an intermittent fast depends largely on the specific sweetener. In particular, whether the sweetener contributes to a negative blood glucose/insulin response, activates the digestive system, or triggers growth pathways that would shut down autophagy. Fasting can be tricky for anyone with a sweet tooth….

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Does Diet Soda Break Your Fast?

Adjusting to a lifestyle that incorporates intermittent fasting can take time and trial and error. One challenge new fasters face is learning what you’re “allowed” to consume during a fast, especially amidst a sea of “calorie-free” or “zero calorie” products. Many people consider zero-calorie or calorie neutral beverages that contain artificial sweeteners, such as diet…

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Will It Break My Fast?

When considering whether a food, beverage, or supplement might break a fast, it’s important to first consider what your goals are around fasting. The three most common reasons people fast are for weight loss/metabolic health, gut rest, or longevity. Let’s look at a few items through that lens. Coffee Coffee has minimal calories, but what…

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Coffee vs. Green Tea

Sipping on your morning beverage? Here’s what you need to know about the respective benefits of having coffee or green tea during your fast. ☕️ Black Coffee: a fasting favorite for many. Known to help reduce hunger and increase energy, sipping on a cup of joe is a no-brainer for lots of Zero fasters. A…

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Will it Break My Fast? | Part II

It’s still the question we see most frequently: “Does [insert item] break my fast?” So we decided a Part II to our first post was in order. Let’s dig in to find out if fish oil, herbs/spices, CBD oil, or BCAAs break your fast. Fish Oil Fish oil itself is a fat, which contains 9…

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Nutrition in the New Year | Fast Breakers

You’re watching your timer, the seconds slowly ticking by, the circle inching closer to closed. Your fast is nearing its end and logically, you’re fantasizing over daydreams of french fries and apple pies. The moment arrives: your timer turns green and… what do you do? What you choose for your #FastBreaker meal is arguably your…

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A weekly digest with the latest science and motivation.