12-Hour Fast vs. 16-Hour Fast: Which Is Better?

Intermittent fasting (IF) is a powerful tool for metabolic health. There are many options in the world of IF, but which option is best for you? If you’re trying to choose between a 12:12 or a 16:8 fast, this article is for you. What Is 12:12 and 16:8 Intermittent Fasting? Fasting involves abstaining from all…

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How to Fact-Check Science News

If health science headlines are to be trusted (breaking news — they aren’t), breakfast is either the most important meal of the day . . . or the least. Running can be good for weight loss . . . but can also cause inflammation-driven weight gain. And ice baths are either the untapped fountain of…

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How to Measure Your Health in Progress, Not Perfection

Contrary to what many diets, supplements, and magazines would have you believe, “perfect health” is impossible to achieve or maintain, which makes its pursuit both stressful and often miserable. Striving for perfection robs you of gratitude for what you have already achieved and downplays the crucial role of slow, incremental change — the only way to…

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Why Am I Not Losing Weight on Intermittent Fasting?

Intermittent fasting can be a great tool for weight loss. It’s a simple approach that tends to work because it limits how much you’re eating by keeping a set timeframe on when you’re eating.  While many people have found success with intermittent fasting, some find they are not losing the weight they anticipated. Read on…

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Is Intermittent Fasting Good for PCOS?

You’ve likely heard of intermittent fasting, even if you have yet to try it for yourself. Many advocates tout fasting’s weight-loss, insulin-management, metabolic-health, and other anti-aging health benefits. While these effects can benefit both men and women, intermittent fasting may be an especially useful dietary strategy for women suffering from polycystic ovary syndrome (commonly known…

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How to Pair Your Diet Type with Fasting

There are a lot of ways to eat — just like there are a lot of ways to fast! Yet, to get the most health benefits from both your diet type and your fasting practice, there are certain nuances to consider. Read on to learn how to best pair your diet type — be it low-carb,…

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Your Complete Guide to Protein

Whether you’re trying to build muscle, lose weight, live longer, or some combination of these goals, you need to be eating protein — and if you’re like 40% of adults in America, you’re probably not getting enough. Protein is hugely important to your entire body. In fact, the only thing your body contains in larger…

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Tom’s March Update

I’ve always admired people who approach their own growth systematically. They look at their career, their life, and their aspirations, and think, “What would it take to get better at X?” Then, they go off and do it. One particular colleague from my last job is exactly this way. She’s brilliant, delightful, and exceptional at…

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A weekly digest with the latest science and motivation.