Tom’s July Update

My mother was a classic ’90s-era dieter. She read the magazines. She checked labels. She bought low-fat and fat-free versions of whatever she could. And while she never taught me any of this explicitly, I absorbed implicit lessons about my own weight and how I ought to manage it — namely as a math equation….

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Tom’s June Update

There was a time in my life when I was sure I’d found the solution to obesity. After years of dieting, I’d just started fasting and eating a ketogenic diet when I learned of the carb-insulin model. Developed by Harvard nutrition professor Dr. David Ludwig, this model essentially says that obesity doesn’t come from eating…

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Tom’s May Update

I’ve spent years trying to control my cholesterol. It’s one of those genetic things; my entire family has high cholesterol, and I spent a long time trying to manage it with diet, exercise, and a whole lot of supplements. For years, my nightly routine was to brush my teeth, floss, and then swallow five doctor-suggested,…

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Tom’s March Update

I’ve always admired people who approach their own growth systematically. They look at their career, their life, and their aspirations, and think, “What would it take to get better at X?” Then, they go off and do it. One particular colleague from my last job is exactly this way. She’s brilliant, delightful, and exceptional at…

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Tom’s February Update

Back in December, when I was thinking about 2023, I thought this might be the year I finally nailed down a Restoration habit. I’ve never had success with meditation, but some of the other restorative practices our science team has surfaced sound more appealing; I thought I might try them out in January. Then, I…

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Tom’s January Update

Late last year, my wife and I decided to move to Los Angeles. We’d both lived there prior to the pandemic and, when we finally visited again, we found ourselves yearning for the city — and the people in it. This got me thinking about the influence of friends and family on my life. After all,…

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Meet the New Zero: Fasting, but Better

Over the last few months, you may have noticed some gradual — but significant — changes to Zero. Historically, we’ve focused exclusively on helping you create and maintain a fasting practice, and that’s probably why you’re here. While fasting is an excellent tool for achieving all sorts of health goals, that’s exactly what it is: a…

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Zero 101

Whether you want to maintain a healthy weight, boost energy levels, or improve mental clarity, you’ve come to the right place. Zero has the science-backed tools and resources you need to form healthy habits, improve metabolic well-being, and extend your longevity.  Here’s what you need to know to get started. Getting Started As a new…

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Zero Fasting Is Now Zero Longevity Science

From the start, Zero has helped you tap into the power of fasting to improve your health and lengthen your life. As such, we wouldn’t blame you for thinking of us as “Zero Fasting” — particularly if you’ve followed us on social at @zerofasting. But we’ve heard from many of you — and we share…

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How Our New CEO Lost 55 Pounds

By Tom Conrad, as told to Allison Goldstein My name is Tom Conrad, and I am 52 years old. I split my time between New York City and Sonoma, CA, and I am Big Sky Health’s new CEO. Heaviest Weight: 229 lbs Current Weight: 171 lbs As far back as elementary school, I was conscious…

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A weekly digest with the latest science and motivation.