The Science Behind Zone 2 Exercise

We all know “exercise is good for us.” But when it comes to what kind of exercise to prioritize, advice runs the gamut. (There are a lot of options!) Fortunately, we have science to guide us. Exercise science research suggests that zone 2 exercise is one of the best forms of exercise you can do…

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Does Coffee Break Your Fast?

As intermittent fasting gains popularity, one question arises over and over: Can coffee be consumed while fasting? In short, yes, you can drink black coffee while fasting — and in fact, it might even enhance the fat-burning and appetite-suppression benefits of fasting! However, it’s important to understand how additives like sugar, milk, or creamer can…

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The Physiology of Fasting

The simple truth is every body responds to fasting a little differently. Genetics, health, lifestyle…all these things play a part. But for a healthy person embarking on a fasting journey, there’s a general timeline of events—a predictable set of metabolic responses as your fast stretches from hours into days. We’re breaking down that timeline here….

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Planning Your Intermittent-Fasting Morning Workout

Morning workouts are popular and for good reason. Aside from the large availability of a.m. workout classes and compatibility with a typical workday, a morning workout — particularly a fasted morning workout — jumpstarts your metabolism, helping you burn more calories throughout the day. Morning exercise can also boost energy levels and improve mood by…

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Your Guide to Intermittent-Fasting Macros

It’s no secret that the typical American diet is prone to excessive amounts of unhealthy fats, sugars, and processed foods, while lacking in essential nutrients like fiber, protein, vitamins, and minerals. This imbalance can lead to health issues such as type-2 diabetes, heart disease, and nutrient deficiencies. A significant portion of Americans struggle to maintain…

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Why You Want to Burn Fat, Not Glucose, to Lose Weight

Everyone is born with the innate ability to shift between burning carbs and fat for energy. This “metabolic switching” has kept humans lean and energetic for millennia, without the need for intentional diets. Unfortunately, modern nutrition and lifestyle habits have destroyed this flexibility for the majority of people. Specifically, the foods people are eating and…

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Is It Necessary to Reach Ketosis to Lose Weight?

The ketogenic diet is one of the most popular diets in the world. In recent years, it has topped the charts as one of the most often-Googled diets. Fans of the keto diet tout improved energy levels, better concentration, reduced appetite, and weight loss as benefits to being “in ketosis,” or the metabolic state in…

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