Hydration 101

Sure, you know hydration is important, but do you know how to hydrate properly for your unique needs? And do you know how to modify your hydration routine when fasting? Water is an essential nutrient—meaning it’s needed for a variety of functions throughout the body like temperature regulation, waste removal, protection of tissues and joints,…

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7 Simple Snack Swaps You Should Make

That’s right, we said the S word…snack. It’s a polarizing term, we know. Fasting is a tool used by many in the Zero community to avoid any type of mindless grazing outside of an eating window or dedicated meal, and that’s great! That being said, we have to acknowledge that no one’s eating behavior is…

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Join the Fast of July!

The second annual Fast of July is here! Join us for a group fast to celebrate summer and start July strong. We’ll be giving away prizes to lucky winners along the way (and of course a Fast of July badge). Here’s how to participate: Complete a fast of any duration between the dates of July…

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100 Million Fasts and Counting!

Recently, the Zero community surpassed 100 million fasts completed in the app! To celebrate this huge group accomplishment, we decided to round up some additional stats about your goals, favorite fasts, and more.

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Optimizing Your Food Environment

With more time spent at home, the environment that we create in our kitchen and pantries is more important than ever. Willpower and motivation to make healthy nutrition choices can only go so far. At some point, we all become vulnerable to our environment and the easy, tempting choices that surround us. Hey, no one…

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Ask Zero with Dr. Peter Attia

Our first episode of Ask Zero is now live! This month, Dr. Peter Attia addresses top fasting questions from Zero Plus members like: types of fasts that are most likely to promote autophagy, the best times to exercise during a fast, and the science that shaped Fasting Zones in the app. Watch a preview where…

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Improving Your Sleep

Sleep is an incredibly powerful and essential function of life, providing an almost unlimited number of benefits ranging from maintaining the immune system, regulating metabolism/a healthy weight, cognitive function and reduction in chronic disease. However, with the current shifts in our daily lifestyle, it’s easy for sleep patterns to be disrupted. Many of us are…

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Your Guide to At-Home Nutrition

As if maintaining healthy eating habits wasn’t hard enough, we now have even more obstacles facing us (like our fridge being roughly 16 steps away at all times). Although there have been some new challenges to acquiring food, many of us are now in an environment with 24/7 access to food and nutrition plans have…

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Meet Oak

We created Big Sky Health with a mission of improving the lives of others by addressing all aspects of health: physical, mental, and emotional. The last month has been hard on us all, and we’ve spent a lot of time thinking about how we can best support you during this time. Enter our free meditation…

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Join us for #FastMonday!

Lack of routine and stress make it difficult to maintain your healthy habits, and if you’re anything like us, you could use some motivation to stay on track with your fasting practice. Enter: #FastMonday.  For the next few weeks, we’re encouraging everyone in the Zero community to come together for group fasts on Mondays. Fasting…

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A weekly digest with the latest science and motivation.