The Spooky Side of Sugar

Most of our holidays in America are built around sugar. Birthday cake, Christmas cookies, spiced cider, you name it—a celebration treat is likely a sugary one. On October 31st, we literally send our children out into the night to demand sugar from strangers (while parents indulge on the leftovers). That’s why this year, we’re encouraging…

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35 Million Fasts and Counting

From zero to 35 million fasts completed—we couldn’t be more proud of the Zero crew for hitting this huge milestone with us. To celebrate the users who got us here, we’ve rolled up some other interesting stats. From where in the world you’re fasting to which fast protocol is your favorite, check out more below….

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Meet LaRonda | Zero User Spotlight

We’re chatting with Zero users around the world to learn more about their unique experiences and to share their stories with the rest of the Zero community. Our first stop: Jamaica—home to LaRonda Robinson. Great-grandmother of five and encourager of hundreds on social media, LaRonda knows all about the importance of positivity and human connection….

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Breaking your Fast

If you’ve embarked upon one of the many varieties of fasts — where you take in little or no food for a stretch of time — at some point you’ll eventually need to break your fast and begin eating again.

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Mo’ Motivation, No Problem!

We’ve just gone live with our latest release of Zero for iOS, version 3.0.6, and it’s got some great features to keep you on track with your goals. We know how important it is to stay motivated when you’re just starting to build the habit of fasting — these new features should help. We’ve received…

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A weekly digest with the latest science and motivation.