The Fasting Guide to Menopause, Perimenopause, and Postmenopause

Females bodies are complex, intricate, and ever-changing feats of evolution. And there may be no stage of life when this is more apparent than during the gradual transition from the reproductive to post-reproductive years known as menopause.  Despite what you may have heard, menopause isn’t all bad. In fact, in Eastern medicine, menopause is known…

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Why Should We Care About Hormones? Fasting and Hormone Health

You may not have given hormones much thought when approaching your health journey, but they are, in fact, key players. Hormones influence a wide array of body features and functions you are likely to care about, including your weight, mood, sleep, fertility, sex drive, and more. And for better or for worse, lifestyle factors can…

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Zero Live #4: 3 Ways to Boost Fat Burning

In our fourth session of Zero Live, Dr. Naomi Parrella, MD, and Nicole Grant, RDN, answer questions from Zero Members about how to boost fat burning and more. Video Transcript Dr. Naomi Parrella, MD: (00:53) First, you’re gonna burn glucose, then you burn glycogen. And if you fast long enough or you boost your fast…

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Try This Instead of That: How to Bookend Your Fasts

Consistently logging 12–18-hour fasts is the best way to lose weight, burn fat, and improve your metabolic health. So if you’re already fasting regularly with Zero, congratulations! You’ve taken the most important first step towards weight loss and health gain. If you’re looking to take the next steps on your journey, it’s time to examine…

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Should You Consider a Continuous Glucose Monitor (CGM) If You’re Non-Diabetic?

Continuous glucose monitoring is now receiving attention for its potential applications and benefits beyond the diabetic community. Unlike traditional glucose-testing methods, such as finger-prick measurements, a continuous glucose monitor (CGM) provides an ongoing stream of glucose data, offering a detailed picture of how an individual’s glucose levels fluctuate throughout the day. For people without diabetes,…

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Bridging the Gap: Eastern and Western Medicine in Modern Times

Eastern and Western medicine can be easily misunderstood. There may be staunch advocates of Eastern medicine who point out that their approach to health is more holistic, while Western medicine proponents emphasize the fact that their treatments are backed by science. However, both forms of medicine have the same goal: promoting healing and health. Therefore,…

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Zero Live #3: Nutrition, Fast Breakers, and Fasting

In our third session of Zero Live, Dr. Naomi Parrella, MD, and Nicole Grant, RDN, answer questions from Zero Members about nutrition, Fast Breakers, fasting, and more. Video Transcript Dr. Naomi Parrella, MD: (00:04) Um, so let’s learn and get smarter together. Why does nutrition matter? While fasting? Nutrition is what happens in between fast…

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Zero Live #2: Metabolism, Insulin, and Fat Burning

In our second session of Zero Live, Dr. Naomi Parrella, MD, and RichLaFountain, PhD, answer questions from Zero Members about metabolism, insulin, fat burning, and more. Video Transcript Dr. Naomi Parrella, MD: (00:00) Possibly even dementia. If sugars stay too high, that’s actually a diagnosis of diabetes. So of course your body doesn’t want to…

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A weekly digest with the latest science and motivation.